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Staying home, staying healthy and staying positive

Writer: aymexumeaymexume

I've been back from my latest trip—for which I haven't written a single blogpost yet—for 2 weeks now. And, under the circumstances, I must add that I am not experiencing any symptoms.

I don't even know where to start...

COVID-19 has spread across boarders, and governments are struggling to contain its spread and to take care of the sick. The consensus is that no one alive has seen a pandemic of this magnitude—if not in terms of numbers, but in terms of the speed at which the virus spreads and how easier it is to catch it.

The travel industry has taken a majlor hit. If a little over a month ago airlines were cancelling trips to China, then the epicenter of the outbreak, while monitoring the situation. Most of the world's borders are now closed. And some countries are in the process of repatriating their citizens.

The outbreak has exposed flaws in most, if not all, systems. School closing in the US of A has reminded people that a lot of families depend on meals offered in schools to feed their kids. Governments' instructions for people to #StayHome when they are sick were met with questions about people not getting paid sick leave. And some folks wonder where people will find water for hand washing.

The world is in turmoil.

And staying home is what most of us, including myself, must do—in addition to washing our hands and staying healthy.

I've been working from home for a little less than a week now. This is not new territory for me. I've done it in the past. And I actually enjoy it. I still have a smile on my face, except when I think about Haiti and how they'll manage that entire situation.

I'm keeping my timeline on social media as light and informative as I can. A reflexion of my state of mind. I go from reading serious articles to laughing at memes. I've spent way too much time watching videos of the #SavageChallenge. Anything to take my mind off of things even for a moment.

How are you holding up?



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